home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1994-12-01 | 9.7 KB | 568 lines |
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- 4
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- 82
- ANSI (Windows, IBM CP 1252)
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- 0
- [prn]
- Epson LQ-510
- [port]
- LPT1:
- [lang]
- 1
- [fldnames]
- Field1
- Field2
- Field3
- Field4
- Field5
- Field6
- Field7
- Field8
- [desc]
- Calls up Print icons
- 786354824
- 47
- 755985920
- 531
- 3
- 225
- 1473
- 5
- 9
- 1
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- 0
- 1
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- 2
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- 1
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- 5
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- Business Writing
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- Standard
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- 15840
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- 1
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- 1440
- 1
- 1440
- 1440
- 2
- 1
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- 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 1440
- 10800
- 5
- 1
- 720
- 1
- 1440
- 1
- 2162
- 1
- 2883
- 1
- 3596
- [hrght]
- [lyfrm]
- 1
- 11200
- 0
- 0
- 12240
- 1440
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- [frmlay]
- 1440
- 12240
- 1
- 1440
- 144
- 1
- 360
- 1440
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- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1440
- 10800
- 1
- 3
- 9360
- [txt]
- <+!>Created by Ashley Bass<-!>
- <+!>December 15, 1993<-!>
- >
- [frght]
- [lyfrm]
- 1
- 13248
- 0
- 14400
- 12240
- 15840
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
- [frmlay]
- 15840
- 12240
- 1
- 1440
- 0
- 1
- 14544
- 1440
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1440
- 10800
- 2
- 2
- 4695
- 3
- 9360
- [txt]
- >
- [elay]
- [l1]
- 0
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- [edoc]
- @Defines@<:#284,9360>Define MoveWindow() DllCall("User,MoveWindow,HHHHHHA",%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6)
- @Defines@<:#284,9360>Define GetSize() DllCall("user,GetWindowRect,HHN",%1,%2)
- @Function@<:#284,9360>function begin(hdlg)
- <:#284,9360>thisfile = getrunningmacrofile$()
- <:#284,9360>metrics = getprofilestring$("whtprint", "Metrics", "{windir}amipro2.ini")
- @If Endif@<:#284,9360> if metrics != ""
- <:#284,9360> setdlgcallback(0, "{thisfile}!init")
- @If Endif@<:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>setdlgcallback(20, "{thisfile}!curloc")
- @If Endif@<:#284,9360>DlgKeyInterrupt(<[>F1], "HelpFun") ' This if F1
- <:#284,9360>Box = DialogBox(".", "Printwhat")
- <:#284,9360>IF Box = -1
- <:#284,9360>Message("Could not open dialog box; Exiting macro.")
- <:#284,9360>EXIT FUNCTION
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 0
- <:#284,9360>EXIT FUNCTION
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 9
- <:#284,9360>FilePrint
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 3
- <:#284,9360>call printnow.smm()
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 4
- <:#284,9360>call prnpages.smm()
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 5
- <:#284,9360>call prnshade.smm()
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 6
- <:#284,9360>PrintEnvelope()
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 7
- <:#284,9360>call prnbatch.smm()
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box = 8
- <:#284,9360>PrintSetup
- <:#284,9360>call whtprint.smm()
- <:#284,9360>ELSEIF Box=10
- <:#284,9360>call crash()
- <:#284,9360>ENDIF
- <:#284,9360>END FUNCTION
- <:#284,9360><-!>DIALOG Printwhat
- <:#568,9360>-2134900736 17 54 28 111 85 "" "AmiDialog" "Print what?"
- <:#852,9360>6 3 15 15 3 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnfast.bmp" 0
- <:#568,9360>83 7 24 14 9 1342373888 "button" "Norm" 0
- 6 19 15 15 4 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnpgs.bmp" 0
- 6 35 15 15 5 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnselec.bmp" 0
- 6 51 15 15 6 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnenvel.bmp" 0
- 6 67 15 15 7 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnmult.bmp" 0
- 90 52 10 10 8 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnsetup.bmp" 0
- <:#560,9360>26 55 46 10 1003 1342177280 "static" "Envelopes" 0
- <:#560,9360>26 39 50 10 1004 1342177280 "static" "Selected Area" 0
- <:#560,9360>26 23 48 10 1005 1342177280 "static" "Specific Pages" 0
- <:#560,9360>26 7 46 10 1006 1342177280 "static" "Fast/Defaults" 0
- <:#560,9360>26 71 44 10 1007 1342177280 "static" "Multiple Files" 0
- <:#560,9360>83 31 24 12 2 1342373888 "button" "Esc" 0
- <:#560,9360>90 27 10 3 20 1342373888 "button" "" 0
- <:#560,9360>86 65 19 12 1000 1342177280 "static" "Setup" 0
- 104 78 5 5 10 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\in_copy.bmp" 0
- 0 1 111 84 1002 1342177287 "static" "" 0
- <:#280,9360>END DIALOG
- <:#280,9360>function init(hdlg)
- <:#280,9360>metrics = getprofilestring$("whtprint", "Metrics", "{windir}amipro2.ini")
- <:#280,9360>x = strfield$(metrics, 1, ",")
- <:#280,9360>y = strfield$(metrics, 2, ",")
- <:#280,9360>w = strfield$(metrics, 3, ",")
- <:#280,9360>h = strfield$(metrics, 4, ",")
- <:#280,9360>movewindow(hdlg, x, y, w, h, 1)
- @Function@<:#280,9360>end function
- @Function@<:#280,9360>function curloc(hdlg)
- <:#280,9360>dim coord(4)
- <:#280,9360>getsize(hdlg, &coord)
- <:#280,9360>x = coord(1)
- <:#280,9360>y = coord(2)
- <:#280,9360>cx = coord(3)
- <:#280,9360>cy = coord(4)
- <:#280,9360>w = cx - x
- <:#280,9360>h = cy - y
- <:#280,9360>writeprofilestring("whtprint", "Metrics", strcat$(x, ",", y, ",", w, ",", h), "{windir}amipro2.ini")
- @Function@<:#280,9360>end function
- <:#280,9360><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>FUNCTION HelpFun(hdlg, key)
- <:#280,9360><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>DialogBox(".","Helper")
- @Function@<:#270,9360><+!><:f240,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>end function<-!><:f>
- <:#280,9360>DIALOG Helper
- <:#560,9360>-2143289344 4 127 82 108 54 "" "" ""
- <:#560,9360>39 38 33 12 2 1342373888 "button" "&Close" 0
- <:#560,9360>91 44 12 7 1000 1342177280 "static" "abb" 0
- <:#840,9360>10 7 90 26 1001 1342177281 "static" "Click on the button that represents the command you wish to execute." 0
- 1 1 106 52 1002 1342177287 "static" "" 0
- <:#280,9360>END DIALOG
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>FUNCTION crash()
- <:I0,0,0,0><:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>DialogBox(".","crash")
- @Function@<:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>End Function<:f>
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>DIALOG crash
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>-2134376448 4 91 25 155 189 "" "" "Toolbar Macros by:"
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>6 7 147 160 1001 1342177290 "static" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\in_cred.bmp" 0
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>5 6 145 177 1002 1342177288 "static" "text" 0
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>4 5 147 179 1002 1342177289 "static" "" 0
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>0 1 155 188 1002 1342177287 "static" "" 0
- <:f240,2Times New Roman,255,255,255>END DIALOG<:f>
- >
- [Embedded]
- 00006555
- >
- [macsum] 8
- begin 0 1 5 2
- Printwhat 816 0 -1 35
- init 1924 1 7 55
- curloc 2172 1 9 63
- HelpFun 2450 2 1 74
- Helper 2493 0 -1 77
- crash 2794 0 1 84
- crash 2834 0 -1 87
- [macse]
- 14 begin
- 0 802
- 13
- 8 2
- 0 286 "whtprint" "Metrics" "{4}amipro2.ini"
- 13
- 8 3
- 6 3
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 11 00000129
- 0 41 0 "{2}!init"
- 0 41 20 "{2}!curloc"
- 0 47 112 "HelpFun"
- 0 26 "." "Printwhat"
- 13
- 8 5
- 6 5
- 5 -1
- 18 0
- 11 00000306
- 0 3 "Could not open dialog box; Exiting macro."
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 0
- 18 0
- 11 00000360
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 9
- 18 0
- 11 00000410
- 24 111
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 3
- 18 0
- 11 00000469
- 16 printnow.smm
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 4
- 18 0
- 11 00000528
- 16 prnpages.smm
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 5
- 18 0
- 11 00000587
- 16 prnshade.smm
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 6
- 18 0
- 11 00000638
- 2 237 1
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 7
- 18 0
- 11 00000697
- 16 prnbatch.smm
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 8
- 18 0
- 11 00000764
- 24 112
- 16 whtprint.smm
- 10 00000804
- 6 5
- 5 10
- 18 0
- 11 00000804
- 16 crash
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- DIALOG Printwhat
- -2134900736 17 54 28 111 85 "" "AmiDialog" "Print what?"
- 6 3 15 15 3 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnfast.bmp" 0
- 83 7 24 14 9 1342373888 "button" "Norm" 0
- 6 19 15 15 4 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnpgs.bmp" 0
- 6 35 15 15 5 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnselec.bmp" 0
- 6 51 15 15 6 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnenvel.bmp" 0
- 6 67 15 15 7 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnmult.bmp" 0
- 90 52 10 10 8 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\prnsetup.bmp" 0
- 26 55 46 10 1003 1342177280 "static" "Envelopes" 0
- 26 39 50 10 1004 1342177280 "static" "Selected Area" 0
- 26 23 48 10 1005 1342177280 "static" "Specific Pages" 0
- 26 7 46 10 1006 1342177280 "static" "Fast/Defaults" 0
- 26 71 44 10 1007 1342177280 "static" "Multiple Files" 0
- 83 31 24 12 2 1342373888 "button" "Esc" 0
- 90 27 10 3 20 1342373888 "button" "" 0
- 86 65 19 12 1000 1342177280 "static" "Setup" 0
- 104 78 5 5 10 1342373896 "button" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\in_copy.bmp" 0
- 0 1 111 84 1002 1342177287 "static" "" 0
- 14 init
- 0 286 "whtprint" "Metrics" "{3}amipro2.ini"
- 13
- 8 2
- 0 20 "{2}" 1 ","
- 13
- 8 4
- 0 20 "{2}" 2 ","
- 13
- 8 5
- 0 20 "{2}" 3 ","
- 13
- 8 6
- 0 20 "{2}" 4 ","
- 13
- 8 7
- 0 284 "User,MoveWindow,HHHHHHA" "{0}" "{4}" "{5}" "{6}" "{7}" 1
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 curloc
- 5 4
- 21 2 [X]
- 0 284 "user,GetWindowRect,HHN" "{0}" &2
- 5 1
- 22 2
- 8 3
- 5 2
- 22 2
- 8 4
- 5 3
- 22 2
- 8 5
- 5 4
- 22 2
- 8 6
- 6 5
- 6 3
- 3 1
- 8 7
- 6 6
- 6 4
- 3 1
- 8 8
- 0 16 "{3}" "," "{4}" "," "{7}" "," "{8}"
- 13
- 0 287 "whtprint" "Metrics" [X] "{9}amipro2.ini"
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 HelpFun
- 0 26 "." "Helper"
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- DIALOG Helper
- -2143289344 4 127 82 108 54 "" "" ""
- 39 38 33 12 2 1342373888 "button" "&Close" 0
- 91 44 12 7 1000 1342177280 "static" "abb" 0
- 10 7 90 26 1001 1342177281 "static" "Click on the button that represents the command you wish to execute." 0
- 1 1 106 52 1002 1342177287 "static" "" 0
- 14 crash
- 0 26 "." "crash"
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- DIALOG crash
- -2134376448 4 91 25 155 189 "" "" "Toolbar Macros by:"
- 6 7 147 160 1001 1342177290 "static" "c:\amipro\icons\dlgicos\in_cred.bmp" 0
- 5 6 145 177 1002 1342177288 "static" "text" 0
- 4 5 147 179 1002 1342177289 "static" "" 0
- 0 1 155 188 1002 1342177287 "static" "" 0
- 00006580